Extra Coil LED Power Handle. The LED light lasts longer than regular bulbs. Batteries inside handle last up to 4 times longer than the other Coil Handles. Requires 2 "C" batteries (not included). Weight: 7.9 oz. with Batteries. # 726030
COIL Xenon Power Handle (Includes Light Bulb). A much Brighter Light Bulb compaired to the Raylite Incandescent Light Bulb. Handle takes 2 "C" size batteries. Weight: 7.9 oz. with Batteries. Weight: 7.9 oz. with Batteries. # 626010Xen
Illuminated Power Handle for Coil Raylite Stand Magnifiers. This power handle is great to use with any of our Coil interchangeable heads. The interchangeable parts allow you to create or update your magnifier should you lose or break the lens or if your vision requires a stronger lens in the...